Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Balls or truffles, either way it tastes amazing!

Today I worked on something I've been wanting to do ever since I took a bite of Momofuku's birthday cake truffles.  I started to research how to make cake balls, and found out (thanks to Bakerella) that it requires some sort of cake and then icing.  You basically mix them together and you form balls and then either roll them in some sort of nut or cookie crumb mixture or place a popsicle stick in it and make them into lollipops.  Be sure to dip the pops into some sort of chocolate mixture.  And even after they have been dipped you can roll them in cookie crumbs or nuts!

So today I got a final product and I created my own concoction.  I call it Peanut Butter Banana Balls.  I made some rolled in crushed graham crackers and kept them as balls or truffles.  And then the rest I made into pops, to be dipped in chocolate tomorrow..  I'll freeze those for the next time I entertain at my apartment.  I also reserved some of the batter to make mini banana bread muffins and kept the extra icing in a plastic ziploc baggie to ice the cupcakes at a later time and date this week.  

Meanwhile here are some photos to get your mouth watering....If you are wondering who took these marvelous pictures, I'll have to give the credit to my friend Anny, those are her little fingers helping me cut the kebab sticks (that's all I had at home).  Also pay close attention to the action shot of the graham crumbs getting sprinkled on top of one of the balls to ensure a nice even coating of grahams!  Gorgeous! Enjoy!


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